Quick And Easy Ways To Save Paper Everyday

Quick And Easy Ways To Save Paper Everyday

We’ve been studying this since elementary school–save paper because paper comes from trees which in turn give us Oxygen and regulate global warming. On a day-to-day basis, however, there is not much anybody does to save paper, in spite of the fact that small changes can lead to big results when it comes to something that is such an ubiquitous commodity.

It starts in the morning with our newspaper, through the day for note taking and logs, followed by a book or magazine or a restaurant menu or even a journal at night. All day, everyday, we are surrounded by paper, which means that all day, everyday, we have ample opportunities to save it.

Here are some tips on saving paper according to the usage:

To make notes:

1. Use all notebooks and notebooks till the end and reuse any empty page sides for grocery lists or reminders. Reuse empty pages.

2. Use the white space on paper that has already been printed on for quick note-taking (like little notes or phone numbers) instead of creating separate notepads and use the other plain side for detailed notes.

3. Simply use an erasable board (a white board) for temporary notes and messages. Take a picture of the board on your phone if it is important.

4. Get creative and make your own notepad out of leftover paper and design your own cover to personalise it.

5. Hand pages with one empty side to kids for their artistic creations.

6. Memos or reminders can easily be listed onto your cell phone, which almost always stays with you.

Using Tissue Paper

7. Smaller paper handkerchiefs can be designed for restaurants and cafes. Most of the time a normal size paper handkerchief is not fully utilised.

8. Air dry your hands and minimize the usage of tissue papers in wash rooms everywhere, everyday.

9. Limit the use of paper napkins and use cloth napkins at home.

Using Electronics

10. Online bill payments save a lot of paper used for the monthly itemized bills.

11. Choose online exams over traditional written exams on paper when the option is available, or suggest this change in the local community.

12. Purchase e-books and download free PDFs from the internet.

Reuse and Recycling

13. Re-use envelopes.

14. Always print on both sides of the paper.

15. Find a recycle unit in your area and encourage its use.

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